Occupy and anarchist protesters marched on the Democratic National Convention this afternoon in Charlotte, North Carolina. Protesters marched in support of Bradley Manning the American soldier who allegedly assisted Wikileaks publish thousands of secret military and government documents and information. The protesters also demanded the end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Protesters chanted, “Free Manning, arrest Barack!” and called the police the “army of the rich.” They also chanted, “One! F*ck Obama! Two! F*ck Obama! Three! Obama should be tried for Treason!” A Breitbart camera also picked up one protester calling President Obama a “house nigger.”

One protester told Breitbart News “these protesters are demanding Bradley Manning be released, and demanding an end to drone strikes, and an end to the NDAA indefinite detention article…” He also said, “a lot of these people are against the two party system, they don’t feel like they should have to vote either republican or democrat.”

One protester, reported to be a veteran, was arrested at the demonstration.


After three days of protests and marches, protesters and police seemed to be able navigate most demonstrations without any major mishaps or violence. While protesters did push hardest against the police on Tuesday night, no billy clubs were swung. NPR radio reported on Friday that there were roughly 22 arrests over all three days, mostly from the Occupy crowd, with a couple reportedly arrested from a group of pro-life activists protesting near the convention.