The abiding creed of the left is that actions must be based on convenience, not morals. Hence abortion practitioner Ashutosh Ron Virmani, of Charlotte, N.C. articulated his defense of the practice by citing the cost to taxpayers of raising children, and didn’t hesitate to throw in a dollop of racism against blacks as part of the mix.

Operation Save America, (OSA) which is dedicated to fighting against abortion, sent some of its members to confront Virmani about his abortions. The conversation went like this:

Virmani: Don’t put pregnancy and adoption on the taxpayers.

OSA: What has that got to do with the babies?

Virmani: Don’t put it on the taxpayers, Okay? I don’t wish to pay for the baby with my money.

OSA: You would rather profit off those children?

Virmani: No, no, no, I am not profiting. I as a taxpayer do not wish to pay for those children to be born and brought up and kill those people —

OSA: Are you saying —

Virmani: In Colorado.

OSA: (in reference to paying to raise the children) We do. We do. We do.

Virmani: Go ahead and pay for them. Let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies.

OSA: Yes, we will. We do. We do. We do. You tell us, we’ll adopt them.

Virmani: Yeah, Go ahead adopt those babies, okay?

OSA: Give us a chance.

Virmani: Take them off the taxpayers money, okay?

OSA: Give us a chance to adopt them.

The racism here should be a wake-up call to much of the black community. There are many members of the black community who are believing Christians and despise abortion. The question before them is: at what point will they put the value of human life over the color of their skin and vote against Barack Obama and his abortion friends?