Late last month, the increasingly desperate and erratic Obama campaign attempted a fundraising gimmick laughable on its face to anyone living in the real world:
Let your friends know how important this election is to you–register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of a gift. It’s a great way to support the President on your big day. Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate–and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl.
Yep, Obama thinks he should be the one who benefits from the most important day of your life.
The tone deafness of this approach was apparent last month and now the results are in:
So far, “the Event Registry” has been all but ignored on social-media sites — even though Facebook, Twitter and other networks have been a strong suit for the Obama campaign.
“The number of links and stories about the announcement is very low since the news went live on June 22,” said Meredith Klee, a spokeswoman for the social-media tracking firm Topsy.
Her site’s latest data show 1,137 posts on Twitter about the registry.
And only a few hundred links to the registry have been shared on Facebook — even though Obama has more than 27 million fans on the site, according to Topsy.
“It’s a gift that we can all appreciate — and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl,” said campaign staffer Laura Wilson while announcing the initiative.
The Obama campaign didn’t return requests for comment.
1,137 Twitter posts is probably not worth making a fool of yourself with this narcissistic fundraising push, but in addition to today’s Beyonce video, it’s just another look at how Dear Leaderish this campaign has and always will be.
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