Nancy Pelosi thinks that Mitt Romney made a “calculated move” to get booed by speaking to the NAACP: “I think it was a calculated move on his part to get booed at the NAACP convention,” she said.

When Romney stated that he would repeal ObamaCare, the NAACP booed.  It wasn’t unexpected; Romney said earlier in the day that he “expected” a negative reaction from the NAACP, which has endorsed ObamaCare:

“We expected that. I am going to give the same message to the NAACP that I give across the country, which is that ObamaCare is killing jobs, and if jobs is the priority, we are going to have to replace it with something that actually holds down healthcare costs, as opposed to something that causes more spending for the government and more spending for American families.”

One wonders if Botox Nancy has her face on too tight. Apparently she’s worried about a new wrinkle since the 2012 campaign: that Mitt Romney is far smarter that John McCain ever was, and is a far more formidable candidate. Whether she knows it or not (and it’s never a good assumption that Pelosi and Mensa Joe Biden have a clue) she is tacitly acknowledging the real fear of the Obama campaign: that whether or not Romney wanted to get booed, Mitt Romney and his campaign seem to know exactly what they are doing.