The Romney campaign today released data, including the spending chart above, showing that the Obama campaign has spent nearly $50 million on television ads, most of them negative, since Mitt Romney became the Republican nominee in April–outspending Romney three to one–and yet has failed to budge the national poll numbers.

The Romney campaign cites polling data posted at the Huffington Post, but could also have cited data from the RealClearPolitics average, which shows Obama with a 3-point lead on April 16 and just a 2.7-point lead today. 

In addition, the Romney campaign notes that despite pleading poverty, the Obama campaign has far more cash-on-hand than its rival, and has been burning that cash at a high rate.

In a press release, the Romney campaign called Obama out on his hypocrisy, noting that he once complained about the negative nature of political campaigns. “Bemoaning negative ads while running a 75% negative campaign is the height of hypocrisy and reinforces the discouragement and cynicism that Americans feel about our broken political system in Washington DC.”