More proof the media loves to write the reality they desire.
Over and over again we’re told by the MSM that the Tea Party is dying or dead … then an entrenched incumbent in Indiana is booted out.
And now this:
Sen. Richard Lugar, who lost his primary fight in Indiana Tuesday, doesn’t need any reminders of the tea party movement’s ongoing appeal. But for those who do, another one surfaced recently in the tax return of the tea party movement’s biggest umbrella organization.
The Woodstock, Ga.-based Tea Party Patriots reported raising $12.2 million for the year ended May 31, 2011. That vaults them into the ranks of some of the most successful conservative activist groups, including FreedomWorks, the Club for Growth and Americans for Tax Reform.
Nonprofit organizations’ annual tax returns are lagging indicators, of course, and the political-fundraising landscape has been evolving rapidly. But the Tea Party Patriots’ success underscores the continuing – perhaps even growing – power of the tea party.
Wisely, the Tea Party remains leaderless. This makes it impossible for the MSM to do what it wants to do more than anything, and that’s destroy the movement by destroying its leader.
Instead, under the radar, one battle at a time, the Tea Party keeps on keeping on — winning many more elections than it loses and forever making fools of its primary enemy, the MSM.
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