There’s talk that it’s Rick Santorum who is currently under the gun, not Mitt Romney.  He can write a check to himself, if need be, while Santorum must win Michigan and Ohio to make the case that Romney has a mid-West problem which warrants additional support for Santorum as a preferred alternative.

Erick Erickson reported on Twitter that Romney will not participate in the CNN debate in Georgia before Super Tuesday.

The big money players behind the Super PACs of all the candidates have agreed to come together to fund a general election PAC, regardless of the nominee.

The general election could come down to the GOP winning Ohio, Virginia and Florida.

Polling suggests Ohio Senator Portman wouldn’t generate enough of a boost to warrant selection as Veep. While Rubio in Florida and McDonnell in Virginia would benefit the nominee, especially if it’s Romney,  there’s thought that McDonnell would be the better choice.  His addition might also help win a Senate seat by helping to support George Allen simply by being on the ticket.

Yet, on the conservative front, some suggest McDonnell isn’t quite the conservative he’s often made out to be, which could prove to be a problem with the base, nationally.

One of the sources consulted for the above is friend and analyst Ford O’Connell, who worked on the 2008 McCain campaign.