EXCLUSIVE: Cory Booker & Newark to Occupy: See Ya

Newark, New Jersey–home of superstar Democrat mayor and future presidential contender Cory Booker–has just told Occupy protestors to take a hike.

In a letter sent to Eric Richardson, the Occupy activist who recently told Lee Stranahan about racism within the movement, Kenneth Louis, Deputy City Clerk of Newark, informed protestors that they “will be required to remove all individuals and equipment from Military Park as of 9:00 P.M. [EST] beginning on Thursday, February 9, 2012.”

As the letter indicates, the Occupy Newark protestors have been granted two extensions already, and the city council has had enough.

Mayor Booker had earned the praise of the left for visiting the activists of Occupy Newark, and addressing them. Now, however, the romance appears to be over, as Occupy implodes in violence and disorder across the nation.


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