The good news: the hippies and freaks in Zuccotti Park were finally swept away by law enforcement a few weeks ago. The bad news: they simply took their protests to other places–homeless shelters, other public parks, bridges, and now retailers. That’s right, the clean upstanding citizens who are proudly associated with the #OccupyWallStreet movement are now occupying Abercrombie and Fitch, AT&T, Verizon, Wal-Mart, The Home Depot, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and a handful of other businesses.

Why are they doing this? By their own admission their goal is to occupy publicly owned companies and “hit the corporations that corrupt and control American politics where it hurts, their profits.”

What these little Marxists don’t understand is that a “publicly owned” company is a publicly traded one. Which means stocks of said company are owned by average, run of the mill moms and pops across the U.S. (either as individual stocks or in a mutual fund or in a 401K, etc.). So what these Obama-ites are really doing is not hurting Wal-Mart or AT&T as much as hurting the very hardworking Americans #OccupyWallStreet claims to represent.

But there’s a bigger problem.

Throughout this filthy, lice-ridden parade of human waste known as #OccupyWallStreet, the protesters have taken for granted First Amendment protections to act the fool and get away with it. However, the First Amendment in no way protects the kinds of things the occupiers are doing.

Just consider the text of the amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

When an occupier, whose mind is warped by Marxist texts and Obama’s speeches, reads that amendment he simply thinks he has the right to assemble and petition the government–period. What he doesn’t see is that he only has the right to do so “peaceably.” (Defecating on police cars, exposing one’s self to young children, raping and kidnapping, and occupying property that is owned by someone else does not fall under the heading “peaceably.”)

Moreover, what the occupier fails to understand because of his non-stop drug use and university indoctrination, is that occupying Wal-Mart or The Home Depot is not the same thing as “[petitioning] the Government for a redress of grievances.” In fact, it’s just the opposite–it’s shutting down commerce and crippling the economy because you want more free stuff.

Remember when the hippies protested the Vietnam War on the Berkeley Campus while Ronald Reagan was Governor of California? As soon as they damaged property he called out the National Guard and said that if they wanted a blood bath, he was more than ready to give them one. Reagan understood that the First Amendment didn’t protect lawlessness.

It’s time for today’s office holders to re-read the history of Reagan’s dealings with the hippies and freaks of his era. And after reading Reagan, and seeing how it’s done, it’s time to send in the National Guard and show #OccupyWallStreet the door.

Hippies stink. And a bunch of hippies stink real bad.