Are They Ohio? National Labor Orgs Fund Anti-Reform Union Front Group

How much do you know about Ohio’s Issue 2, the state ballot issue to uphold overdue government union reform passed this spring? Even if you’re burned out from the Wisconsin union circus — and who could blame you! — this is one swing-state issue you should care about.

‘We Are Ohio’ cares, to the tune of millions spent flooding Ohio’s airwaves with discredited class-warfare hackery. Who, you ask, is behind this “grassroots, citizen-driven” effort to kill government union reform in Ohio?

Infographic below the fold:

These figures were reported to the Ohio Secretary of State at the end of July, which means campaign totals are likely to be far greater. If you know any Ohio voters, make sure they know opposition to Issue 2 is being driven by D.C. union bosses. If you’d like to support the efforts of Ohio conservatives to counter the union smear campaign, check out Building a Better Ohio!

For more Issue 2 information, stop by my site, visit Ohio conservative blog Third Base Politics, or catch me on Twitter, @jasonahart.


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