We broke it here, first. If you’ll remember, I wrote an early piece on the unique challenges Governor Perry must overcome in order to be President in this country. Over the following days just about everything mentioned came to pass. Believe it or not, a major Canadian news outlet – yes all the way up in Canada – contacted me over its content. I shared with them the ugliness and overt disdain Conservatives and Southern Conservatives must contend and overcome, especially in the arena of politics. It was so interesting to them they want to do a follow-up. I am more than happy to enlighten them. I could have continuously written on that subject but there is always more than one egg to fry in Obamaland. Secondly, the opportunities will present themselves. It’s almost predictable as to how the liberal media will behave.
However, the fact such open hostility by liberals towards Perry is so obvious; and, two, it’s totally acceptable as to be actually news worthy should be self evident of their bigotry. The Bush era gave the cultural elites considerable heartburn and there is no way possible for them to stomach Perry – considered Bush-lite. So how are they voicing their opposition to Governor Perry? It certainly isn’t his policies or record as governor of Texas. Of course those who are bold enough to go after Perry’s actual record, their complaint is he wasn’t imaginative enough from a legislative and government perspective. You know, because evidently government creates jobs.
No, Perry’s biggest sin is that he drops his “g’s.” He speaks with that nails-on-a-chalkboard Southern-Texan accent. I bet the big rube replaces his “s’s” with “z’s.” “Boy howdy, I declare this here chicken sure his greazy!”
And that is totally unforgivable. He is obviously far too dumb to be president for no other reason than because of his accent and the state and region from which he comes. How long will this unique form of bigotry go unnoticed? Why is it acceptable? There would be a monumental sh!t storm should these hateful attacks be used toward the numerous protected species in our country. Imagine the fallout should the media turn on Obama by playing on all the stereotypes associated with his ethnicity. They refuse to cover the existing unpleasantries that have plagued Obama since he stepped foot on to the national stage.
In any case, never mind the fact that Perry successfully became a pilot in the US Air Force. That doesn’t exactly make him an astronaut, but it certainly makes him well above average intellectually and mentally.
Another Texas governor who drops his “g’s” and scorns elites is running for president and the whispers are the same: Lightweight, incurious, instinctual.
Strip away the euphemisms, and Rick Perry is confronting an unavoidable question: is he dumb – or just misunderestimated?
Doubts about Perry’s intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, he’s been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isn’t so deep – “Gov. Goodhair.” Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.
“He’s like Bush only without the brains,” cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds.