Recently in downtown Los Angeles, NAACP President Ben Jealous held a press conference to kick off his group’s 102nd annual convention. His remarks came just two days before our newly formed South Central L.A. Tea Party held a major rally to expose the lies and racism of the NAACP. During the press conference Jealous was asked about the black-led Tea Party group and about details of a recent closed-door meeting he and other liberal black leaders had with President Barack Obama.

What you will see in the following video and read from the partial transcript are blatant lies from the desperate leader of an outdated civil-rights group trying to stay relevant by scaring black Americans. In the video Jealous claims the rights of black voters are being threatened and that racial “discrimination 2.0” is holding them back. It’s a shameless attempt to keep black Americans focused on ‘racism’ in order to keep them angry and on Obama’s Democrat plantation.

The NAACP president began by stating:

“The rights of everybody are under attack everywhere all the time. The rights of workers to organize, a women’s right to choose, access to the ballot box itself. In this past year we’ve seen perhaps the greatest attempt to limit access to the ballot box since 1896….”

The NAACP leader compares the tough economic times and high unemployment for blacks to the Rodney King beating:

“…As a Californian it’s hard to forget that this year is the 20th anniversary of the Rodney King tragedy. And this moment is too much like that. The underlying anxieties of chronic high unemployment are still there, the short-term stress and recession is with us again and our people are even more incarcerated than they were then….”

Jealous explains that the Obama administration is focused on ending what he calls “employment discrimination 2.0” to ensure that people with bad credit, those with prison records, and the long-term unemployed are not being discriminated against:

“One of the leading things we’ll be working on is employment discrimination 2.0. We know that the Justice Department and many other agencies are focused on 1.0 gender discrimination, racial discrimination, but we have to also deal with the next generation of workplace discrimination. That commitment from the president is an important one, because as people of color in this society know, ending employment discrimination is as important as job creation, because if they won’t give you a job it doesn’t matter if it exists.”


During the Q & A session Jealous was asked for additional details on what he discussed in the closed door meeting with Obama. Here’s his reply:

Jealous: The big takeaway for us is to get all the big agencies focused on employment discrimination 2.0…to deal with forms of discrimination whether it’s age-ism, length of being unemployed…low credit scores…fact that you served time in prison….

Finally Jealous was asked to respond to news that the South Central L.A. Tea Party was planning a rally against the NAACP at the same time as their convention. He responded with a curt and likely pre-packaged answer:

Jealous: …On a certain level I think we take a bit pride for helping to diversify the Tea Party…laughter…next question.

So based on the NAACP leaders lies it’s no wonder that a handful of NAACP supporters were motivated to show up and attempt to shout us down at the South Central L.A. Tea Party rally. Below is video footage and samples of the incoherent rants spewed by a NAACP loyalist.

“The Tea Party is a racist organization.”

“[Tea Party supporters] hate the president because he’s black and think that the white race is superior, so that’s racism.”

Racism is “a genetic trait of whites.”

“As far as the black sellouts who wish they were white who are part of the Tea Party, these sellout Negroes have no business speaking for and joining with racists who want to kick them back into slavery.”

“Tea Party people care about white supremacy, racism, and hating black people…”
