Liberals, Please Stop Using the Word 'Terrorists.' It's One of Our Only Good Words Left.

Look leftists, you’ve taken every good word that use to mean something and run it into the ground. Because of your overuse brought on by your hysteria and uncontrollable tantrums, the once strong words that specifically defined someone has been rendered impotent – much like your brains.

Here are a few examples of watered-down words in modern American lexicon.

Fascist. That was a good one. But no, you went and watered it down. It was once a serious word that described a real threat and a growing ideology. Now it’s used to describe those who believe that “In God We Trust” on our currency is OK. Or simply just happen to disagree with you over the right to prayer at a high school graduation.

Nazi. A little more nuanced than fascism but doubly meaningful when directed at someone. Nazism was the closest thing to the Devil’s army that man has ever produced. Writers have been trying for over 60 years to understand its origins and existence. It’s so deep and dark and evil that it was really a rare phenomenon in human history. So inhuman were their actions, we still can’t grasp it all. Now ironically, if you are pro-life, you are a Nazi.

Racist. Ah, now there’s a word you never get tired of hearing. Racism is a clinical condition. I personally think you have to be somewhat insane to fully subscribe to it. That’s not to say there aren’t real differences between cultures and values. And certainly some are indeed better than others. See, I’m a racist. I just held and expressed a less than flattering idea. Ergo, racist! That’s not its only use, though. If you are pounding a liberal opponent in debate, you can expect to be called racist. For instance, if you hold the view that lower taxes are better than higher taxes, you run the danger of being a racist. It is like the nuclear bomb in the liberal arsenal.

Which now leads us here.

Terrorist. I expect everyone to know the meaning behind this word. Sure terror comes in many forms. And I know not all Muslims are terrorists. However, strictly speaking from the numbers, most terrorists are Muslims. They seek to harm us, destroy us, kill us in piecemeal, and would like nothing more than to level a major US city. They hate us. The world witnessed what they were capable of on September 11th. They will do it again in a heartbeat. They want to do it again. These turds can sleep at night after cutting the throat of infant and beating to death a toddler.

Thankfully, I don’t personally know any terrorist. Though, I do know plenty of conservatives. I’ve met a few terrorists in Iraq and I can say with all certainty those who spoke out and held debate over the debt ceiling are not terrorists. So stop using the word as another way to hide your cowardness and your inability to compete in ideas. You are going to ruin it for the real terrorists.

Note: I suspect liberals today were a lot like the jackasses who went and ruined the word leper years and years ago.


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