Judge's Order Keeps James O'Keefe From Attending Conservative Conference in California

Young investigative filmmaker James O’Keefe has become a celebrity of sorts in conservative circles for his work exposing operations inside the group ACORN. But a federal judge’s order is keeping O’Keefe from joining prominent conservatives like Andrew Breitbart and myself at an upcoming conference in California.

Judge's order restricting James O'Keefe from attending conservative conference.

Federal judge Daniel E. Knowles III has denied a request by O’Keefe to travel outside the state of New Jersey. Breitbart, O’Keefe and Michigan Congressman Thad McCotter are scheduled keynote speakers for the Eagle Forum Conference in San Diego, June 10th and 11th.

Conference organizers have said that Breitbart and O’Keefe are slated to teach conference attendees “How To Be An Effective Citizen Journalist.” McCotter meanwhile, a favorite among grassroots conservatives, has been rumored to be considering a run for President. It wouldn’t surprise me if he chooses the conference setting to announce his candidacy plans. Yours truly, by the way, will be acting as emcee for the weekend event.

The judge does not detail his reasons for denying O’Keefe’s request and interestingly has routinely approved previous requests by O’Keefe to travel outside New Jersey.

O’Keefe is currently on probation for his role in the undercover operation inside Senator Mary Landrieu’s New Orleans office, and must get judicial approval to travel outside the borders of the Garden State.

Naturally, O’Keefe is unable to comment on the matter at this time, but look for me to interview him in the near future. Conference organizers tell me they believe that O’Keefe’s attorneys are seeking an explanation for the judge’s denial and will then attempt to get it lifted.

The Eagle Forum is a nationwide volunteer grassroots group founded by well-known intellectual and conservative activist, Phyllis Schlafly. The 87 year old Schlafly has been active in the conservative movement since the 1950s, and during that time has been as influential in conservative American politics as conservative American icon William F. Buckley.

American icon and conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, founder of the Eagle Forum.

The Eagle Forum San Diego conference is expected to attract up to one thousand attendees from across America.

Stay tuned for more breaking news as this story develops in the coming days and weeks.

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