Indiana Holocaust/Education Reform-Comparing Teacher Digs His Hole Deeper

Last week, I told you about an Indiana teacher who compared the state’s new education reform initiatives to the Holocaust.

My organization, the Education Action Group, responded to this teacher’s email, and told him in no uncertain terms that he was a “dope” for comparing charter schools and vouchers to the Nazi ovens and gas chambers.

Charter schools and vouchers equal this? Yes, says Indiana teacher.

That teacher wrote back to defended his Holocaust comparison this way:

“The reason that this is a holocaust is that it is attacking innocent and in this case defenseless people just because someone or some group can push their own agenda through the political system and those most affected by it cannot do anything about it. I really do not like to reflect upon the atrocities that were done to my family members. However, I must admit that extermination is finite, whereby, suppressing a generation that will be generational does not help them or any of us. (emphasis added)

“My true feelings are that I want the best for the children I teach, my own children and all of the children not only of Indiana but of the world. The actions of the governor are highly offensive to me. I have always taken my job seriously and aforementioned want the best for them. As a lifetime Republican, I am offended and embarrassed by this last political session. Obviously, someone must like what is happening. I have talked to several people that mirror my feelings that they will really scrutinize who they will vote for in the future.

“Now that you have responded to my e-mail and insulted me and I hope that you feel better for that. Perhaps now you can put aside our differences and stop the mud slinging….”

This teacher (who identifies himself as an agriscience and agribusiness instructor, a Future Farmers of America advisor, and an assistant track and field coach) has clarified his position on why Gov. Mitch Daniels is perpetuating a “holocaust” over in Indiana, and it is this: the Holocaust was bad, but the damage was limited, whereas giving kids vouchers will cause generational damage.

Here, in part, is EAG’s response:

“You say you don’t like to reflect on the atrocities of the Holocaust, but you should — especially if you’re going to denigrate its historical significance by flippantly using it to bash your political opponents. That was inexcusably shameful on your part.

“People who throw around such terms promiscuously are bad for our public discourse, and certainly bad for public education.”

We also informed this teacher that we have had our fill of him, and will no longer expend energy to answer his lunatic email messages.

We wrote this simply to let Indiana taxpayers know the kind of nonsense to which their children are being exposed.


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