The militant “community organizers” who run the California Teachers Association union have been forced to pull back on some elements of their controversial plan for a Wisconsin-type takeover of the state capitol after it was exposed here on

The Sacramento Bee reports that once the news media and the public got to see just how extreme the union’s plans are, leadership decided to pull back on some of the more “creative” (read: kooky) elements of the plan set to be implemented the week of May 9 – 13.

“Some of the union’s ideas went beyond the usual letter-writing and rallying,” the Bee reported this morning, but, “By Wednesday, the more creative ideas on the list had been removed.”

The union’s plans to provoke a major confrontation in the state capitol to force the legislature to raise taxes were exposed in this 10-page plan, which contains instructions for using public school facilities and children to which the union has direct access in the campaign culminating in a takeover of the capitol in Sacramento.

While union officials have not backed down on their plans to take over the building and yank thousands of teachers out of classrooms and put them into protests, they are awkwardly running away from plans to use the kids.

The Bee reports a CTA spokesman “said the list was ‘brainstorming’ from the union’s 800-delegate state council, and that CTA is not suggesting students be used as props.”

Really? That’s exactly what they were suggesting throughout this published plan. In “State Council Ideas for Potential Activities” the CTA document suggests: “Take mug shots of teachers and students to make point that prisons receive better funding.” Taking photos of students and use them in the campaign — How is that not “suggesting students be used as props.”?

The official document from the union includes these proposals for using kids:

That’s a lot of references to kids and students for a document the union now claims wasn’t suggesting kids be used as props in their campaign to raise taxes.

Here’s a question: if the use of kids in the union’s campaign is such a bad idea, how did dozens of proposals for using them make it into an official CTA document, featuring the union’s logo as well as that of the National Education Association, for distribution? The union publicly distanced itself from these ideas only once they were made public. Whatever process the union has for distributing protest plans among its leaders certainly doesn’t require screening out the use of kids in such a blatantly political manner.

As Drudge would say, “Developing…”