DISTURBING: Radicals Take to the Streets at Chicago's 'We Are One' Labor Union Protest

We received an email invitation to the “We Are One” labor union solidarity protest from Alex Armour, Political Director, for Illinois 9th District Congress Woman, Democrat Jan Schakowsky and decided to attend. Alex was on hand and “one” with the protesters, as you can see from our footage.

We have noticed an alarming message, prevalent at every single left wing protest we have attended this year in Chicago and the Midwest. While each protest has an official message of a seemingly less alarming cause, such as; Anti-War, Anti-Deportation or “We Are One” with “Union Solidarity”, there is also an extremely disturbing trend of blatant and obvious promotion of a revolutionary transformation of America into a new socialist or communist type of economic system.

[youtube hwg_8rMbFmw]

While Tea Parties have received massive amounts of ridicule for being so called “Astro-Turf” (corporate funded) from the institutional left and mainstream media, left wing protesters claim the moral high ground of being a “true” grassroots movement. However once again, our footage reveals an extremely elaborate and costly production put on by these so called “true” grassroots activists. This particular protest had at least hundreds of protesters bussed in on at least 12 school busses we counted taking up two city blocks in downtown Chicago, and an audio/video system that could outdo many local rock concerts at Chicago’s infamous summer street fairs. It seems unlikely that there is no “Astro-Turf” funding for these nationwide protests that occurred this past Saturday.

What was even more disturbing to us, was the amount of young children brought to the protest with their parents, holding signs which prominently advocate for a new alternative economic system in America, and being taught what we believe is a very “un-American” message, by the reoccurring theme these Chicago protests contain. Communist protesters at this rally even claim they are “very patriotic” for their advocacy to end capitalism in America.

Rebel Pundit

Images in video used from these websites: rawa.org, the-two-malcontents.com, wagingnonviolence.org, broadcatching.wordpress.com, mommylife.net


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