In 2007, then Sen. Joe Biden appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball and said launching an attack without congressional approval is an impeachable offense. This flashback comes on the heels of Obama launching an attack on Libya without congressional approval.
Biden said:
I want to stand by that comment I made. The reason I made that comment is a warning. The reason, I don’t say those things lightly, Chris, you’ve known me for a long time. I was chairman of the Judiciary committee for 17 years or its ranking member. I teach separation of powers and constitutional law. This is something I know. So I got together and brought a group of Constitutional scholars together and write a piece I’m going to deliver to the whole United States Senate in pointing out the president has no Constitutional authority to take this nation to war against a country of 70 million people unless we’re attacked, or unless there is proof that we are about to be attacked. If he does, I would move to impeach him. The House obviously has to do that- but I would lead an effort to impeach him. The reason for my doing that- I don’t say it lightly, I don’t say it lightly.
For another video of Joe Biden discussing–at the time– the possibility of attacking Iran and how it is an impeachable offense, head on over to The Blast.
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