Simply priceless to watch WI Democrat Gordon Hintz have this meltdown on the Assembly floor. Take away his anger and you’d think he was talking about the Obamacare bill that was rammed down our throats this time last year. But, I guess that was different-government takeover of one-sixth of the US economy, increasing health insurance premiums, and stripping doctors and patients of their rights is good, whereas fixing a $3 billion budget deficit and clipping taxpayer-funded public unions is bad. And a life-threatening emergency if not passed-remember–people are dying.

Hintz touches on so many topics in his 3-minute rant-from transparency, public debate, having to read a piddly 144-page bill, to the 35,000 people outside clammoring to have their voices heard.


Where was he when the more than one million Americans gathered at the Capitol and were ignored by the Democrats? Was Hintz outraged when Republicans said they needed time to read the 2,000+ page Obamacare bill?

Where was his outrage when Harry Reid slipped in his manager’s amendment replacing the entire Obamacare bill and then voted on it? Was he outraged when Nancy Pelosi met with Obama and other Democrat leaders behind closed doors locking out Republicans during the so-called ‘conference’? Was he outraged when debate was cut off on Obamacare by the Democrats in Congress? I could go on and on (and wrote extensively about it) as this type “professionalism” was on display for two years with Pelosi and Reid at the helm.

But, at least Hintz gets why the Democrats are in the minority…and in Wisconsin.

For the record, this video was extremely difficult to find as it has continually been scrubbed by the compliant lefty media.