Obama is AWOL in Oil Crisis

We have a major oil crisis unfolding now and where’s Obama? He was last spotted giving aid and comfort to public union thugs in their battle against the taxpayers of Wisconsin.

We now, this week, have oil prices busting through $100 a barrel. This will create major havoc to our already anemic economy. How did we get here? Our president has a moratorium on nearly all domestic oil production: we can’t drill off our coasts, nor Alaska and certainly not the gulf. We can’t build nuclear power plants, dam rivers, explore for natural gas or mine coal. We’re stuck with windmills and failing solar power companies- companies that can’t even stay in business after billions in taxpayer subsidies. This is an energy policy written by hippies. Please, if our Community Organizer-In-Chief really wants a windmill, let’s just go buy him a propeller that he can put onto his beanie cap. We hope that’ll satisfy his urge for wind, because all the windmills in the nation couldn’t power up Bezerkely, CA.

What happens with oil prices rising? Who are the winners and losers?

  • Arab tyrants and mullahs who fund al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas are the biggest beneficiaries.
  • The American workers suffer, as their jobs are transferred overseas when we ban production here.
  • The American consumer pays a not-so-hidden tax at the pump with the increased prices.
  • Business are hurt with extra costs, laying off still more workers.
  • Finally, rising prices on everything. Prices on all food and products will increase with the added costs to both the manufacture and distribution of the merchandise.

How did we get to this precarious a place? You can thank the first, propeller-beanie-president, Jimmie Carter.

In 1977 he created the Department of Energy (DOE) with the principal purpose of reducing energy dependence. How did that work out? Here’s a department that started out with a few hundred employees and now has over 100,000 federal and contract employees and a budget of over 23 billion dollars!!! If the new congress is looking for a place to cut our bloated, wasteful and inefficient government, it need look no further than the DOE: the poster child for goverment waste.

So how does our domestic energy production measure up since the DOE was created? You guessed it, a disaster. According to the DOE itself, America’s energy needs increased by 17 times in the past 50 years, while our energy production decreased by 40%. If you do the math, it means that our energy importing has increased by more than 2,800%! Great job DOE considering your small staff! Forget Bush, this is Obama’s own “Mission Accomplished”: a raging, out of control oil crisis, drilling moratoriums as far as the eye can see, and we, the hapless taxpayers, get to wear the propeller beanie caps to generate electricity.

So Sad, So Bad

The liberal Rand Corporation, a think tank, produced a study that declared that our domestic oil resources, just within shale deposits alone, amount to triple the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. But we’re not mining it. That’s not even counting our thousands of other domestic energy resources. How bad does our energy crisis have to become before we actually get the pitchforks, rise up into the streets and demand oil exploration now? This is an issue that both labor and the GOP can agree on. Abolish the DOE and drill, baby, drill. It’s tea time for the Tea Party.


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