Perhaps one of the most disturbing developments in the fight against Gov. Scott Walker’s proposal to curtail school spending is his opposition’s penchant for reverting to its usual selfish ways.

A commune has been created within the Wisconsin state Capitol. People sleeping on the floor. Piles of pizza boxes stacked in the corner. Signs taped to the walls. A drum circle and Hyde Park-style Speaker’s Corner to air the latest rant. An area transformed – no joke – to medically treat protesters.

So the unions are not only leeches, but squatters as well.


The Lord of the Flies now resides in Madison, Wisconsin. This story, released by the MacIver Institute, reveals an actual makeshift organizational structure, complete with marshals that order people around. Capitol security stands idly by as the Capitol is overtaken by hippies and union goons.

This is coming to a Capitol near you, should your state decide to push bold reforms, as well.

But that’s precisely the point: Big Labor wants to show America exactly what will happen if other states attempt to curtail in spending. Wisconsin is the unions’ national example.