What is occurring in Madison, Wisconsin has become a microcosm of what is happening across America: conservative care givers are being blocked by progressive liberal statists. In Wisconsin, the elected Governor and conservative legislature are trying to institute rational, humane treatment to a sick patient, the state of Wisconsin’s failed economy. Unfortunately, progressive liberal statists and unions, as self-appointed “family members” of the patient, have decided to withhold treatment by NOT allowing the caregivers in the room and by trying to hide the patient in another state.

Photo: Ann Althouse

The progressive liberal statists and unions have taken the situation to a fraudulent and possibly criminal level, with the help of The Democratic National Committee, Organizing For America and their mouthpiece the “Organizer in Chief:” Barack Obama. They have recruited “physicians” in their white coats to hand out FRAUDULENT work notes to the “victims” of the needed treatment. These “physicians” in white coats were eerily similar in appearance to the “physicians” in white coats who slithered into the Rose Garden during the debate on Obama Care. In their actions, these “physicians” have violated and compromised The Hippocratic Oath, medical ethics and committed medical fraud.

The video of Andrew Breitbart shows him being “diagnosed” with “Walker Pneumonia” and being given a “medical release” from work. This is all the evidence needed to bring those “physicians” up on charges of FRAUD before the State of Wisconsin Medical Review Board, The State of Wisconsin Medical Society and The Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office. What these “physicians” have done is incomprehensible to those of us that uphold the Oath 24-7 year in and year out.

Thirty years ago, I stood with my 150 classmates in Thorn Hall, at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, as Dean James Eckenhoff asked us to raise our right hands and repeat after him:

I will apply measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice.

Those words, from The Hippocratic Oath written in 400 B.C., changed my life and the lives of the hundreds of thousands of patients my classmates and I have touched over the past thirty years. I keep this Oath as my foundation as a practicing physician, clinical researcher and health care policy analyst. Unfortunately, the actions taken by those “physicians” in Madison wearing white coats and handing out FRAUDULENT “medical releases” harms ALL of us trying to uphold that sacred Oath.

Based on what I have seen from the progressive liberal statists, I would not be surprised if their next “stunt” will be to bring out the medical icon of the left for an appearance in Madison: Dr. Death himself, Jack Kevorkian. The problem is, we cannot sit by silently and watch Wisconsin self-administer this lethal injection, instead of swallowing the bitter, but life-saving medicine it so needs.

This is a country of free speech, and all are welcomed to the discussion. All sides need to be heard – legally and peacefully. Let’s not lose sight of truth and reality in that discussion. Yes, the needed medicine can be bitter, and can have difficult side effects. However, if we refuse to face the necessary steps, the patient, Wisconsin and our Country, will continue its downslide. The State will be bankrupt and there will be nothing there to pay any union benefits – or anything else. The heart and lungs of this patient will falter, and there will be nothing left to sustain that left hand flailing in the wind.