Left's Pressure on Pelosi Triggers Potential 'Clashes' with Obama

The Democrats just don’t get America and the clear message that voter’s sent via a GOP firebomb at DC in the mid-terms. So what’s the rationalization du jour? The Hill reports that influential liberals progressives in Congress are putting pressure on Pelosi causing clashes with Obama. However, when you dissect the article and what the Democrats are saying, it’s quite the rationalization. And believe me, I love a good rationalization, but come on already.

The pressure is for Pelosi to be more hardline with the White House. But, you would think this would mean a move to the center. Not so. From the article:

As Obama decides whether and how much to compromise with the new Republican majority in the House, Pelosi is facing pressure from empowered liberals in her caucus to take a harder line with the administration.

Those liberals, led by a group of four lawmakers who tried unsuccessfully to delay caucus leadership elections last week, say House Democrats were led astray by their allegiance to a flawed White House political strategy during the 111th Congress.

“We’re going to have to really push the White House and the Senate,” Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) said. “I think the greatest failing in this Congress was that the House … enabled the White House, and the White House was not always right. emphasis mine

You really start to think that the Democrats are beginning to get it; however, they don’t. Look at the messenger–liberals. Let’s read further through the article and you will see my point:

DeFazio and other House Democrats criticized Obama for spending too much time and political capital trying to negotiate with Senate Republicans on bills like the stimulus and healthcare reform. They say those talks resulted in watered-down legislation with weak public support. Complaints with the White House have festered for months on Capitol Hill, but they resurfaced in the aftermath of the Democrats’ devastating defeat in the midterm elections. emphasis mine

So, what these Democrats are saying is that they need Pelosi to break further left and stand firm and not move towards the center? Seems that way. They also believe that Americans were upset with them for watering down legislation. They really do believe that there would have been more public support for a more hardline government takeover of healthcare and Senate passage of cap and trade, and let’s throw in the DREAM Act, EFCA (cardcheck), and the DISCLOSE Act.

The narrative the Democrats won’t let go of is the false narrative and rationalization that they lost the election because they lost their left-wing base and not the center that realized quickly that they got duped in 2008. Pelosi made them walk the plank on healthcare, cap and trade, and passed more than 400 other pieces of legislation–the majority of which stalled in the Senate–and exposed the Democrat leadership to the American people for who they really are–radical leftists, bully politicians, and campaign trail liars.

Again, more rationalizations. You gotta love it.


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