Last Tuesday I sent a letter to Rep. Boehner regarding corruption in general and a specific call to reject Rep. Jerry Lewis’s (R-CA) reported bid to head once again the House Appropriations Committee.

You may recall that Rep. Jerry Lewis has the dubious distinction of appearing on Judicial Watch’s “Washington’s Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list for 2008.

Here is the letter in its entirety:

Dear Congressman Boehner:

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational foundation that advocates for the rule of law and against government corruption. We are supported nationwide by hundreds of thousands of Americans and have a sixteen-year record of holding members of both major political parties accountable to the law. You have our congratulations as you take on the high constitutional office of Speaker of the House.

The American people are tired of corruption in Congress, and I urge you to take serious steps to address these concerns.

Accordingly, Judicial Watch urges you and your leadership team to reject Rep. Jerry Lewis’s reported bid to head once again the House Appropriations Committee.

Rep. Jerry Lewis has the dubious distinction of appearing on Judicial Watch’s annual “Washington’s Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2008. I quote his entry from our “Top Ten” list in full:

Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA): Rep. Lewis may share a name with a world-renowned comedian, but there’s nothing funny about his addiction to influence peddling and earmarking. Lewis, the senior Republican on the House Appropriations Committee, is under investigation for approving hundreds of millions of dollars in federal projects to benefit clients of one of his best friends, lobbyist and former Congressman Bill Lowery. According to press reports, Lowery, partners in his company and their clients donated approximately 37% of the funds collected by Lewis’ campaign PAC over a six-year period (an estimated $480,000) in return. Lowery has benefited handsomely from his relationship to Lewis. His company more than tripled its income between 1998 and 2004 with help from Lewis, while increasing its client base from 21 clients to 101 over that same time period. Despite these allegations, Lewis maintains his high-ranking position on the House Appropriations Committee.

(It is unclear whether a reported DOJ criminal investigation into Rep. Lewis’s conduct is still open.)

We believe Rep. Jerry Lewis’s conduct does not meet the high standards for ethics and integrity that American voters demand from their elected officials, particularly an elected official seeking to lead the powerful House Appropriations Committee. Rep. Lewis’s unapologetic advocacy and abuse of earmarks have lent the taint of corruption to his office and the Appropriations Committee.

In the least, we urge you to use your position and influence to prevent corrupt and unethical politicians such as Rep. Lewis from being put in positions of leadership on your watch.

As Judicial Watch did with Speaker Pelosi when she took office, we look forward to the opportunity to work with you and other members to strengthen ethical standards and conduct in the House of Representatives.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Thomas Fitton

To let Rep. Boehner know how you feel about someone like Lewis taking the lead on appropriations in the new Congress, you can contact his office directly at 202-225-6205. (You might also want to thank him for shutting down Air Pelosi.)