No. You really can’t make this up.

In their quest to find new members, unions are searching high and low–but especially high.

A couple of months ago, some pot (as in marijuana) workers in California unionized with the United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW). As Big Government blogger, Bret Jacobson noted then, it sort of makes sense:

Now you can Super Size it and smoke a spliff without ever crossing a picket line.

But, just to show that unions are down with the times, the UFCW is taking the next step:

The 200,000-member United Food and Commercial Workers, Western States Council, on Wednesday announced its support for Proposition 19, the initiative to legalize marijuana in California.


Ron Lind, international president of the union, and Dan Rush of its Local 5 also spoke out in favor of Proposition 19.

“The marriage of the cannabis-hemp industry and UFCW is a natural one,” said Rush. “We are an agriculture, food-processing and retail union, as is this industry.”

Yeah, the UFCW rep. may be right. The UFCW and the pot industry may indeed be a natural fit. After all, it’s bound to be much easier to convince workers to pay dues if they’re stoned.
