The recent rants of the leader of the New Black Panther Party, (“I hate white people! Every last iota of a cracker I hate….” ) couldn’t have been more amusing. That is before justifying the killing of some cracker children.

Up until that point his speech sounded like one from a common street-corner nutcase or Chris Rock working out new material for an upcoming HBO special. But it plunged to a new level of low advocating harming children rather than protecting them. To his credit at least his message wasn’t shrouded in feigned concern about childhood obesity like Michelle Obama’s recent speech to the NAACP in which she first glossed over real strides made in this country when it comes to race relations, then focused on inadequate black schools and then launched into what she views as most crucial, the issue of fat black kids. However one has to question – If she’s truly committed to protecting black children from the harmful effects of bad eating habits why she didn’t ask the NAACP to join her in taking the following steps –

And lastly if Michelle Obama really wanted to rid childhood obesity in the inner-city she would’ve asked the NAACP to join her in advising them not to re-elect her husband – His policies are guaranteed to keep the poor, poor. Poverty and hopelessness is depressing, and depression leads to pigging out.

Interestingly Michelle Obama didn’t say any of those things in the childhood obesity portion of the speech. Then what did her speech accomplish? For one thing it gave the media a first lady project to write about, even though Mrs. Obama offered up no solutions. More importantly it allowed Michelle to give a nod of support and words of encouragement to the NAACP, a group that has successfully transformed itself from being a legitimate civil rights organization to this administration’s willing workers; and who along with 170 other groups, including labor unions are planning to build strong momentum against patriotic Americans with the simple desire to have a reduced national debt, individual liberty, and freedom to voice their concerns about how Barack Obama’s policies are affecting their lives and the lives of their children…In other words, the Tea Party movement.