Critics of the amount of golf President Obama has been playing need to look at the bright side: it’s equipped him for a very serious task at hand.
Since he’s shown such pitiful leadership for a president purporting to care about the environment, perhaps he can put his finely-tuned golf skills to the test and stop the oil spill in the gulf.
The New York Times reported that BP now plans to use such things as golf balls to plug the hole and stop the oil from spewing into the Gulf of Mexico.
The lights should be going off above the heads of all the handlers in the White House: the president’s moment of glory has arrived. He suddenly would be hip and cool again. Mr. President, we need you to shoot the golf balls into the hole.
If Kosmo Kramer can shoot a ball into the blow-hole of a whale, surely you can land a few in the name of saving the southeast coastal region. You’d be the hero. Everything would turn around and your party might not be decimated nearly as badly in November.
Then you can stand up and tell America that you lent your unique abilities to save the day.
So instead of criticizing BP, “chewing out” local officials and bumming around Chicago, save the day. Put the golf skills you’ve been spending hours improving to good use. We’re depending on you!