Obama Supporter: 'What's Wrong With A Little Bit Of Socialism?'

Yesterday, we attended an impromptu Tea Party outside the Evanston, IL office of Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky. Below are some photos and our in-depth video report documenting the event.

Very few people turned out, but that didn’t prevent the scene from turning dramatic as a couple of Obama supporters tossed around accusations of racism, called everyone idiots, and asked the absurd question: “What’s wrong with a little bit of Socialism?”

[youtube 6hZ79RHOmeI nolink]


In the image below, the Black woman (right) and the Jewish woman (left) argue over whose people have suffered more righteously. You can see this exchange in the video embedded above.



We think that all Americans ought to be free to live their lives in whatever manner they may like, and this includes eating and drinking more than what one actually requires to maintain healthy lean body mass. As lovers of Liberty, we celebrate individuality and the diversity of lifestyles that freedom engenders.

Ironically, the people pictured above, who called the Tea Party protesters idiots and asked, “What’s wrong with a little Socialism?” (seen in the video above), will likely face steep taxes and medical scrutiny for the cost-impact their lifestyle choices will have on the very nationalized health care system for which they advocate.




The sign pictured below wins typo of the year!




For more information on this protest, please read Marathon Pundit and Backyard Conservative who were also in attendance and have filed reports as well.


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