Why Health Care Reform Must Pass

Before you ask what kind of self-medication I’ve discovered, let me preface this by reminding people I, among other things, am a political tactician. I lived in dark blue Massachusetts where Democrats not only made sport of standing on the necks of the super-minority Republicans, but attempting to squeeze the remaining life out of them. I know how they think and I know what will happen if health care reform is defeated.


The GOP has the cover of being 100% against this bill, so they are relatively safe come November.

Should health care reform be defeated, Democrats will first blame an out-of-power Republican minority, attempt a few faux mea culpas, tell the American people they “get it” and will hope the majority of Americans forgive-and-forget come November. The primary energy of Democrats will go towards keeping control of the House and Senate.

Let’s be real; if they maintain control, do you really think they won’t have learned the errors of their ways and attempt health care again (with a new “mandate”), this time quicker and more forceful with a fresh two years of pad?

I say let the Democrats have this victory.

Democrats will subsequently incur the wrath of the American people. Town meetings this summer will require Dems to arrive with armed escort, if they’re brave enough to hold them at all. Knowing incrementalist Democrats as we do, they’ll keep ramming unpopular legislation through after passage of health care, infuriating the public beyond the point of redemption.

On the other side, every Republican running this fall will do so on a “Repeal the Bill” platform. Should the GOP retake the House and Senate, that should happen.

November will give new meaning to the political term “bloodbath”. Democrats could be out of power for the foreseeable future, and in 2012, we will see Obama leave in disgrace.

While we all know how disastrous this health care reform will be, I’ve also learned a few things from sadistic Massachusetts Democrats: once you have your foot on the neck of the opposition, press down until they stop breathing. Because of their arrogance, we have golden opportunity to let the Democrats destroy themselves.

I think we should let them do it.


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