ACORN's Machinations Are Lipstick on a Pig

Boy, ACORN is good. They’re so good the White House should give them a call and seek some political tips. Er…given the recently-unearthed video of the president yearning for ACORN’s endorsement, something tells me that’s not necessary.


The evolution of ACORN, summarized by Matthew Vadum, is not surprising but is impressive. Even Al Capone wasn’t this successful at morphing his organization into a new beast.

But interestingly, that’s not exactly what’s happening. ACORN is simply adding to and remodeling what it has already created. The gang is splitting up to do the same work, likely with the same funders – radical foundations and individuals…oh, and the American taxpayers.

But rest assured, no lessons have been learned, nothing will really change. The same people are involved. So no one expects there to be much difference. New box, same crappy product. The radical left is simply painting a little lipstick on the pig and hoping American will fall in love with it all over again.

What is particularly disturbing about what is happening is that ACORN is essentially adding new corporate identities to its massive roster, already pegged at somewhere around 300. ACORN now appears to be decentralizing, making it a much harder target to scrutinize – which was likely the point.

No slimming down, no greater efficiency – just more confusing bureaucracy. So of course, the natural question is: which came first, the chicken or the egg. Did ACORN learn its model from leftists and the federal government or did the federal government learn its bureaucratic ways from ACORN, because that is all that seems to be being proposed in Washington these days? It’s a question for the ages, and I’m digressing…

The fact of the matter is, ACORN is transforming itself to shed is soiled name and continue receiving tax dollars – our money. And until there’s serious leadership in Washington, DC prepared to tackle the waste and fraud, they’ll be successful.


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