Disgusted by President Obama’s liberal agenda, voters in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts went to the polls and replaced Democrats with Republicans to send a message to Washington. That message is: Stop.
Stop the rampant spending that threatens to send our country spiraling toward insolvency. Stop the rapid expansion of government that continues to encroach on our essential freedoms. And most of all stop trying to shove a radical health care “reform” bill designed to fundamentally restructure the U.S. economy down our throats.
The American people have spoken. The White House hasn’t heard their message.
Now Harry Reid is promising to pass a health care bill through the Senate in sixty days. President Obama is continuing to arrogantly push this radical legislation in the hope of creating a new entitlement program that will continue to nurture America’s dependency on Big Government. When America’s leadership has become so disconnected from Americans’ interests, the American people must stand up boldly in defense of their livelihoods and their liberties.
It is more important now than ever to send a clear, unambiguous message to Washington. That is why I am asking you to sign a petition urging President Obama and his Democrat allies to start over on health insurance reform; to work hand in hand with Republican leaders to craft sensible legislation that will address the real issues that plague our health insurance system; and to listen to and enact the will of the American people.
Stand up for yourself and your country. The White House has not heard your voice. Make them hear it. Sign this petition today.