This past week in Washington, DC has seen the GOP actively engaged in discussions and strategizing about taking back the House of Representatives and taking back the Senate. But before the GOP, Tea Party, or anyone else, can take back the House or Senate, they will face a more difficult and important battle–taking back our language.

Democrats have made an art form of mis-speak, consistently showing only a passing familiarity with good, old Merriam-Webster. Think Kafka and Orwell, where words are elastic, and plain-speaking is all but abandoned.

Understanding what President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are saying is difficult; for, though the language may seem to be English, in reality, they speak a different language, the language of the Democrats in DC. To understand exactly what they are saying, Americans need an “English -Democratic Party Dictionary. Here is a sampler of some of the most important words and phrases that cause confusion:

Our country used to be one where a man, or woman, was bound by their word, and their word was their bond in public and private transactions. We are so long gone past that because, now, in the 111th Congress, words only means whatever the speaker wants them to mean. Before we can solve a problem, we need to acknowledge the problem openly and with candor. When we lose our language, we lose the power to change by civil discourse. And, that bodes ill for all Americans.