Let me first say, if what is being reported in the media is accurate, a dumb prank was attempted in the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu by James O’Keefe and his comrades.
There should be zero tolerance for crime, regardless of who does it. If O’Keefe is guilty of what the FBI is alleging, he should be held accountable. The Left believes that now, but where were they six months ago?
It’s interesting to observe, and personally experience, the hypocritical way the Left is treating this situation. Consider two unsolicited e-mails I received Monday night from a few liberal wackos with too much time on their hands. Here’s the first, which was accompanied by the subject line, “Republicans are As—-es!”:
Hey as—-e, why don’t you talk about the son of a bitch who broke into Senator Landrieu’s office in LA? Yeah, scumbags like you don’t care about the law.
The other, titled, “James O’Keefe is going to jail! YOU FAILED!”:
HAHAHAHA, apparently going to college meant nothing since you never heard of Watergate and the name Richard Nixon. I hope they throw all of you c—s [beyond crude term for a female body part] into prison where trash like you belongs.
The alleged crimes committed by ACORN employees in the O’Keefe and Giles videos were excused, and even rationalized, by the Left. But they don’t apply the same level of patience and understanding for O’Keefe and Company. Even worse, they’re jumping to conclusions about their guilt, and the nature of their alleged crime.
The liberal media is openly theorizing that O’Keefe and his friends were trying to bug telephones in the senator’s office. The Louisiana Democratic Party is already calling it the “Louisiana Watergate.” As Andrew Breitbart said:
MSNBC and other “news organizations” are even billing this developing story as “Watergate”. What do Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow know? And when did they know it?
Surely James O’Keefe is not dumb enough to think he could actually bug the phones of a sitting U.S. Senator. Only the “A-Team” could do that, and they disbanded well over a decade ago.
The Left, despite video evidence, was silent about ACORN’s gross shenanigans. But when scant details emerge from a stunt in New Orleans, it’s the next Watergate. It shows what their real agenda is. It’s not truth, it’s not justice and it’s certainly not the American way. It’s maintaining power and access to taxpayer dollars by any means necessary.