Hypocrisy Matters For America


Media Matters is taking the Tea Party Convention to task regarding its limited credentialing for press access.

Tea Party convention hosts Palin and bans the press. Except Palin employer Fox News

Media message from the right wing: If you don’t give the Tea Party “fair coverage,” then you will be banned from covering its convention.

And who says the conservative movement doesn’t hold journalism in contempt?

So….when a quasi political convention held by a private group selectively excludes dissenting media, that’s contempt. But when the White House selectively excludes dissenting media, singling them out for vilification, that’s just fine with Media Matters.

For the record, I would like to see lamestream media outlets there. More often than not, when they cover the Tea Parties, they embarrass themselves in a way that simultaneously exposes their bias, while energizing and growing the base.

Hell, I’d like to see Susan Rosegen there. She’s ratings gold for me! But this is a private event and it’s up to the organizers to determine what they feel is best for their convention.

That said, the hypocrisy of Media Matters position on this issue is legendary, considering their fundamental working relationship with MoveOn.org and Brave New Films, in their “Fox Attacks” campaign to persuade the entire Democratic party to boycott a dissenting news organization.

Below is a video clip of Brave New Films and MoveOn promoting their Fox Attacks boycott campaign at the Yearly Kos Convention 2007.

And here is a link to Media Matters posts at Brave New Films, most of which are under the category “Fox Attacks.”

[youtube pDAi3kkn_9Y nolink]

Media Matters reveals their hypocritical partisanship (again) by condemning a privately funded group for excluding hostile media, while at the same time contributing to a campaign designed to deny media access to publicly funded parties and government.

Par meets course.


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