Angry' Obama Condoned Gate Crashing When Done to Sarah Palin by Funder Jodie Evans

President Barack Obama is “angry” about the infiltration of a State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh by two intruders, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday.


Yet little over a year ago in September 2008, candidate Obama placed his seal of approval on the actions of one of his top funders, Code Pink co-founder and terrorist supporter Jodie Evans, by meeting with her at a high profile Hollywood fundraiser just days after Jodie Evans attempted to storm the stage during Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech.

Jodie Evans had committed identity theft that enabled her to sneak past security at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.

After the incident, the mainstream media refused to report on the ties between Obama and Jodie Evans.


The presidential campaign of Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, showing the judgment that eventually doomed his candidacy, failed to call out Obama for the outrageous behavior by one of his top fundraisers.

After giving her speech, the McCain campaign apparently failed to inform Palin of Jodie Evans’ ties to Obama and terrorists.

During an impromptu interview with Big Government at one of her Going Rogue booksigning appearances, Palin expressed interest in knowing more about Jodie Evans’ role as a bundler for Obama and the Code Pink co-founder’s work with state sponsors of terrorism. In recounting her acceptance speech in Going Rogue, Palin did not mention the Jodie Evans incident.

The Washington Post’s Paul Kane reported the incident as it happened:

10:45 p.m. A pair of Code Pink activists just got to the very edge of the stage and were a moment away from apparently running on stage, right by the Kentucky slot on the floor next to a host of McCain’s most senior staffers.

Secret Service men grabbed them at last minute and literally dragged them out.

In a press release bragging about their effort, Code Pink claimed they were given convention passes by “a Republican delegate who was frustrated with the Republican party and Sarah Palin.”

Jodie Evans had been photographed earlier that day wearing the name tag of an alternate delegate from Indiana named Annie Eckrich. An outraged Eckrich denied giving Code Pink her credentials.

In an interview with the Jefferson County Journal about Rae Abileah, another member of Code Pink who committed identity theft, Jodie Evans boasted about stealing and using a C-SPAN press pass the previous night to sneak into the Republican convention.

A video report by WCCO featured an interview with Jodie Evans and her fellow Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin about how they infiltrated the convention and got very close to Palin.

Jodie Evans failed to inform the reporter that she was a top fundraiser for Obama. She audaciously gave the reporter a photo of herself meeting Obama at a fundraiser, and told her it was a photo of her protesting Obama. The gullible reporter didn’t question what Code Pink’s Jodie Evans told her, including the claim she was handed credentials outside the XCel Center an hour prior to Palin’s speech.

Jodie Evans was welcomed by Barack Obama at a $28,500 per person fundraiser held at the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills less than two weeks after she committed identity theft and attempted to storm the stage during Sarah Palin’s speech

According to the pool report, Obama greeted his campaign donors and posed for photographs.

That Obama would meet with and take money from Jodie Evans after her actions at the Republican Convention implied his seal of approval on her behavior.

A little more than a week following the meeting with Obama, Jodie Evans met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City.

Candidate Obama was never challenged by the media about his connection with Jodie Evans.

Neither was President Obama, even though he met with Jodie Evans this fall, just weeks after she reportedly met with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Identity theft, event crashing, cavorting with terrorist governments, sympathizing with Osama bin Laden, calling our troops baby killers — what does someone have to do to get denounced by Barack Obama?

Yes, that’s right, express your love and support for America. (L.A. Times Nov. 20, 2009: Obama Now Pleading for Money to Fight Sarah Palin).


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