Podcast - Page 23

Axios: Yes, Bernie Sanders Wants to ‘Restructure’ Your Entire Life

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) – a top Democrat 2020 contender – has not offered a watered-down version of the political vision he pushed during the Democrat Primary race against Hillary Clinton. He has expanded upon it, offering plans that would drastically grow government and affect Americans – regardless of class, race, or ideology – across the board. 

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks at the Iowa Federation

Andrew Gillum Fought U.S. ‘Genocide,’ ‘Colonialism’ Through 2017 as Youth Director of Extremist Org

Florida gubernatorial candidate and Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum served as the director of a radical youth training organization whose mission was to challenge U.S. “predatory capitalism,” abolish the prison system, fight a “spiritual resistance” battle against “Christian hegemony,” redefine the meaning of “borders” while aiding “undocumented” aliens, and enact the “collective liberation” of “communities of color” amid what it described as the scourge of “white supremacy.”

Wilfredo Lee-Pool/Getty Images