HOVE, England, July 10 (UPI) —

Two reporters who tried to take on one of the spiciest burgers in England had to be taken to the hospital after the heat-packing hamburger proved too hot to handle.

A pair of journalists from the Argus, Arron Hendy and Ruari Barratt, went to Burger Off to try the XXX Hot Chilli Burger.

People who want to sample the burger have to sign a waiver, and a Trip Advisor reviewer said the sandwich was, "the hottest thing I’ve attempted to eat in the U.K."

The reporters had one bite each and then dealt with the consequences.

According to the paper, Ruari "suffered severe stomach cramps minutes after taking a bite before he lost the feeling in his hands and his eyes rolled back in his head."

He was taken to Royal Sussex County Hospital by ambulance.

"It was hard to walk. I needed to drink milk to neutralize the burning, which was hard because I was hyperventilating so much my hands had seized up," Barratt said.

Hendy followed Ruari to the hospital after a few hours.

"I was in so much pain I was telling people I felt like I was dying," Hendy said. "It’s embarrassing but it felt that bad. If you’re thinking of trying this burger for a dare, just don’t."