UConn Siberian Husky Jonathan assists with wedding proposal

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — The Siberian Husky that serves as the mascot for the University of Connecticut has helped two alumni make a love connection.

Jonathan served as wingman Monday when Daniel Bronko, 23, surprised his girlfriend, Holly Korona, 27, on a trip back to campus with a wedding proposal . The pair had met in 2013 while studying elementary education and working at the UConn recreation center.

Bronko brought Korona back to campus Monday on the pretense of visiting his younger brother, Jordan, who is a senior at UConn.

Bronko had reached out to Jonathan’s handlers in advance.

“It was my first time ever Facebook messaging a dog,” he said. “Thankfully, the handlers agreed to meet up with me. I knew it would be extra special for Holly, because she absolutely loves dogs.”

Bronko brought Korona to a favorite spot by Mirror Lake on campus, then dropped to one knee when the dog showed up with the engagement ring attached to his collar.

She said yes and received a kiss from Bronko and lick on the face from Jonathan.

“It was a huge surprise,” she said. “I was never thinking that Jonathan would be there. I was thinking in my mind, maybe it might happen at UConn, because that is a special place for us. But it was just extremely surprising and perfect. I can’t stop smiling.”

The couple, who live in Enfield and are both elementary school teachers at separate schools in Ellington, plan to wed next summer.

Jonathan may be invited to be the ring bearer, they said.

“He did such a good job with the engagement ring,” Korona said. “I’d trust him with the ring,” added Bronko.




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