The Latest: Trump’s leaked taxes not from Connecticut

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the presidential race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton (all times EDT):

2:45 p.m.

Connecticut’s tax commissioner says an internal review shows no one from the state Department of Revenue Services released part of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s 1995 state income tax filings to the New York Times.

Kevin Sullivan says he instructed staff Monday to check whether anyone illegally disclosed the information. He says the agency’s system would allow it to determine whether anybody had attempted to access or had accessed that information.

Sullivan says he’s satisfied that there has been “no illegal disclosure by anyone” at the agency.

The New York Times reported Saturday that it had received anonymously the first pages of Trump’s 1995 state income tax filings in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

In Connecticut, the unauthorized inspection of tax return information is an unclassified misdemeanor.


2 p.m.

Hillary Clinton is seizing upon a New York Times report that Donald Trump had a net loss of more than $915 million in 1995. Clinton says it means Trump “may not have paid a dime” in federal income taxes for nearly two decades.

Clinton says at a campaign stop in Toledo, Ohio, that it means Trump never contributed to Pell Grants to help kids attend college or federal veterans or military programs.

She says Trump represents the “same rigged system that he claims he’s going to change.” She adds, “What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?”

Clinton says there needs to be a law that requires the nominee of the two major parties to release their tax returns.


1:40 p.m.

Hillary Clinton says in Ohio that she’s thrilled to receive the endorsement of Cleveland Cavaliers basketball star LeBron James.

Giving a speech in Toledo, Clinton says the Ohio native nicknamed “King James” is a longtime, dedicated advocate for children. The Democratic presidential nominee says they both share the belief that every child should have the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential.

Clinton says she hopes to be elected president, but she knows that “LeBron will always be the king.”


1:30 p.m.

The White House is saying that revelations about GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s tax history show the need for tax reform and fairness. But it is steering clear of criticizing Trump for taking advantage of legal tax deductions.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama has long called for tax fairness, the closure of loopholes that benefit only the wealthy and for relief for middle class families. He said Obama hopes that his successor will push for the same goals.

On Sunday, the New York Times published portions of Trump’s state tax returns from 1995 that showed the New York businessman and his companies lost nearly $916 million in a single year. The losses mean Trump may not have paid federal income taxes for nearly two decades.


1:21 p.m.

Donald Trump is drawing criticism after he appeared to suggest that veterans who suffer from PTSD might not be as strong as those who don’t.

Trump made the reference Monday as he discussed his commitment to improving mental health services for veterans at an event held by the Retired American Warriors political action committee.

Trump said, “When people come back from war and combat, and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people can’t handle it.”

Trump has often cited improving mental health services for veterans as a top priority of he makes it to the White House.

He says, “We are losing so many great people that can be taken care of if they have proper care.”


1:13 p.m.

Republicans are slamming Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine for his work past work defending death row inmates.

The criticism comes a day before Kaine faces off against Republican Indiana Gov. Mike Pence in only vice presidential debate.

A web video by the Republican National Committee references four cases in which Kaine defended people accused of rape or murder. Kaine is a former civil rights lawyer who is a staunch opponent of the death penalty. But as governor of Virginia he did not interfere with 11 executions.

The ad also mentions Percy Walton, the one death row inmates whose sentence Kaine commuted due to concerns he had been mentally unfit to stand trial.

The clip says Kaine “has a passion for the defending the wrong people.”


12:30 p.m.

Hillary Clinton has a new campaign ad hitting Donald Trump for not paying federal income tax.

The 30-second spot, titled “Arrogant,” features a New York Times report from over the weekend that nearly $1 billion in Trump company losses in the mid-1990s may have enabled him to pay zero in federal income tax for 15-plus years.

“You work hard. You pay your taxes. So why didn’t Donald Trump pay his?” a narrator in the Clinton ad asks. The spot concludes with footage of Trump saying during the debate last week, “That makes me smart,” when Clinton blasted him for not paying income tax.

“If he thinks that makes him smart,” the ad’s narrator says, “what does he think of you?”

The Clinton campaign says the ad will air on national cable stations.


12:25 p.m.

The Republican National Committee is filing a complaint Monday with Washington D.C.’s attorney oversight board, claiming that Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills had a conflict of interest in her legal role representing the Democratic presidential candidate during the FBI investigation of Clinton’s email server.

The GOP’s complaint to the D.C. Court of Appeals’ Board on Professional Responsibility says Mills violated professional conduct standards by acting as Clinton’s lawyer during the probe while the FBI investigated her role in the email controversy while she worked for Clinton at the State Department.

The complaint is based on D.C. conduct standards that prohibit lawyers from representing cases if they “participated personally and substantially as a public officer or employee.”

An attorney for Mills did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


12:15 p.m.

Donald Trump says political correctness has run amok in the military, and “we’re going to get away from” that if he’s elected president.

At a forum with military leaders in Virginia on Monday, one questioner claimed that the “the forces of political correctness” and “social engineering,” ”like women in combat, transgender rights, and other issues” were adversely affecting the military.

“You’re right, we have a politically correct military and it’s getting more and more politically correct every day,” he said, adding that “some of the things that they’re asking you to do and be politically correct about are ridiculous.”

He said that, if elected, he’d leave such decisions to military leaders and follow their recommendations.

Trump did not directly address the issues of women in combat or transgender service.


11:05 a.m.

Donald Trump is telling a veterans group that the United States’ military is “depleted” and says he will expand the nation’s armed forces.

Trump made the pledge at a Retired American Warriors conference in Herndon, Virginia on Monday. He said the nation has become “more interested in protecting the criminals than we are in making sure that we’re strong.”

The U.S. remains the world’s foremost military power, though its equipment has aged. Trump did not unveil plans to pay for the expansion.

The Republican nominee also outlined his cybersecurity plan and vowed to harshly punish “those who violate classification rules.”

He repeatedly linked cybersecurity to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server — an opportunity he largely missed at last week’s debate.


10:40 a.m.

Donald Trump is stressing the need to bolster the nation’s cybersecurity efforts under “constant attack” from foreign powers.

Trump, speaking to a veterans group in Virginia, said he would order a thorough review of the nation’s computer defenses and warned against potential hackers from China, Russia and North Korea. He also vowed to form a joint federal task force, which would include the military, to crack down on hackers.

The Republican nominee also linked cyber vulnerabilities to the private email server used by his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

He said that Clinton’s “only experience in cybersecurity” was her “criminal” attempt to keep her emails hidden. The FBI director chastised Clinton for use of the server but did not recommend prosecution.


10 a.m.

As a reality TV boss on “The Apprentice,” Donald Trump repeatedly demeaned women with sexist language, according to show insiders. They said he rated female contestants by the size of their breasts and talked about which ones he’d like to have sex with.

The Associated Press interviewed more than 20 former crew members, editors and contestants. They described crass behavior by Trump behind the scenes of the hit show, in which aspiring capitalists were given tasks to perform and competed for jobs working for him.

Trump called for female contestants to wear shorter dresses that showed more cleavage. Several cast members said Trump had one female contestant twirl before him so he could ogle her figure.

The Trump campaign called the charges unsubstantiated and fabricated by disgruntled former employees.


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