The Latest: Spain calls emergency talks over Catalan crisis

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — The Latest on Catalan authorities’ bid for independence (all times local):

10:40 p.m.

An official says that the Spanish government will hold an emergency Cabinet meeting on Wednesday after Catalan lawmakers signed what they called a declaration of independence from Spain.

Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria made the announcement in Madrid hours after a speech by Catalan president Carles Puigdemont at the regional parliament in Barcelona. Puigdemont said Catalans had earned the right to independence but said separatists would delay implementing it for several weeks to give dialogue a chance.

But Saenz de Santamaria signaled that Spain’s government was in no mood to talk, saying that the Catalan leader “doesn’t know where he is, where he is going and with whom he wants to go.”

The Spanish Cabinet meeting will be held Wednesday at 9 a.m. (0700 GMT) and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is due to address parliament in the afternoon.


10:10 p.m.

Catalan lawmakers are signing a document they are calling a declaration of independence from Spain, but are delaying its implementation.

Regional president Carles Puigdemont was the first to sign the document titled “Declaration of the Representatives of Catalonia.” After him, dozens of other lawmakers signed it.

The signing ceremony came a few hours after Puigdemont addressed the regional parliament, saying Catalans had earned the right to independence from Spain after a referendum on Oct. 1. But he called for dialogue with Spain’s government, which has condemned the referendum as illegal and unconstitutional.


8:45 p.m.

A Spanish official says the government of Spain doesn’t accept what he called an “implicit” declaration of independence by the Catalonia region’s president.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with Spanish government policy.

He was responding to a speech by Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont.

Puigdemont says an Oct. 1 referendum, which Spain considered illegal, gave him a mandate to declare independence from the rest of the country. Those who voted were overwhelmingly in favor of seceding from Spain, but more than half of those eligible didn’t cast ballots.

Puigdemont has asked the Catalan parliament to suspend any independence declaration for a few weeks to allow time for dialogue.

The Spanish official says the results of the referendum cannot be considered valid.

— By Aritz Parra


8:15 p.m.

The Catalan president’s speech declaring that he has a mandate to declare independence from Spain but asking lawmakers to suspend it for a few weeks has received mixed reactions from thousands of separatist supporters outside the parliament building where he spoke.

His statement about having a mandate was greeted with applause and chants in favor of independence. When he mentioned waiting in order to foster dialogue, some stopped, while others said “yes, yes, it’s the way to do it” and kept applauding.

Puigdemont is calling on the Spanish government to accept mediation in the political standoff. Spain considers the region’s disputed Oct. 1 independence referendum illegal and has refused to recognize it. Those who voted were overwhelmingly in favor of independence, but less than half of eligible voters cast ballots.


8 p.m.

The opposition leader in Catalonia’s parliament says regional president Carles Puigdemont’s statement that he has a mandate to declare independence from Spain “is a coup” and has no support in Europe.

Opposition leader Ines Arrimadas of the Ciudadanos (Citizens) party says the majority of Catalans feels they are Catalans, Spanish and European and that they won’t let regional officials “break their hearts.”

Puigdemont says a landslide victory in the region’s disputed Oct. 1 referendum on independence gives his government grounds to implement its long-held desire to break century-old ties with Spain. Less than half of eligible voters cast ballots.

Puigdemont is suggesting the regional parliament suspend the effects of the independence declaration to give time for dialogue and calling on the Spanish government to accept mediation in the political standoff.


7:45 p.m.

Catalan president Carles Puigdemont says he has a mandate to declare independence for the northeastern region, but proposes waiting “a few weeks” in order to facilitate a dialogue.

Puigdemont tells the Catalan parliament that a landslide victory in the region’s disputed Oct. 1 referendum on independence gives his government grounds to implement its long-held desire to break century-old ties with Spain. But he is suggesting holding off.

Puigdemont’s speech was highly critical of the Spanish government’s response to the referendum, but he said Catalans have nothing against Spain or Spaniards, and that they want to understand each other better.

At the end of his speech, Puigdemont was applauded by standing separatist lawmakers.


7:10 p.m.

Catalonia’s parliament has opened a highly anticipated session that could spell the birth of a new republic, marking a critical point in a decade-long standoff between Catalan separatists and Spain’s central authorities.

Security is tight in Barcelona and police cordoned off a park surrounding the legislative building, where Catalan President Carles Puigdemont is expected to walk a fine line during an address to regional lawmakers.

The speech will need to appease the most radical separatist-minded supporters of his ruling coalition — but Puigdemont could shut down any possibility of negotiating with Spain if he adopts a hard line.

The Catalan leader hasn’t revealed the precise message he will deliver, but separatist lawmakers and activists have said they won’t be satisfied with anything short of an independence declaration.


6:15 p.m.

A key speech by Catalonia’s president on independence from Spain has been delayed by an hour.

Carles Puigdemont has requested the delay because a parliamentary group needs to hold a meeting on opposition lawmakers’ request to cancel the session.

The highly anticipated speech will address the region’s bid to secede from Spain, but it’s not known exactly what Puigdemont will say.

The speech will likely set up a clash with the Spanish government, which has said any independence declaration would be illegal and void.


5:45 p.m.

Scotland’s pro-independence leader says she hopes “dialogue will replace confrontation” between authorities in Catalonia and the Spanish government.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said Tuesday that “it is time for the Spanish government to sit down with the government of Catalonia.”

She said “it is time for them to talk and to find a way forward” that respects both the rule of law and “the right of the people of Catalonia to determine their own future.”

Scotland held a 2014 referendum on whether to break away from the U.K. that was won by the “no” side. Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party says it will push for another vote when the time is right.

Unlike the Catalan independence vote, Scotland’s referendum was held with the approval of the British government.

Sturgeon also says the European Union should have “spoken up loudly” to condemn police violence against voters in the contested referendum.


5:05 p.m.

Catalonia’s president has arrived at the regional parliament less than an hour before he is due to give a key speech on independence from Spain.

Carles Puigdemont smiled at journalists as he walked into the building.

Puigdemont will address the regional parliament at 6 p.m. (1600 GMT) in a session during which a declaration of independence could be made based on the results of a disputed Oct. 1 independence referendum opposed by Spanish central authorities.


5 p.m.

Catalonia’s president has left the government palace and is heading to parliament for a key speech on independence from Spain.

Carles Puigdemont left in a small motorcade escorted by police.

Puigdemont will address the regional parliament at 6 p.m. (1600 GMT) in a session during which a declaration of independence could be made based on the results of a disputed Oct. 1 independence referendum opposed by Spanish central authorities.


4:25 p.m.

The foreign ministers of Italy and Slovenia have called for the respect of the Spanish constitution and laws in the crisis over Catalonia’s secession bid.

Slovenia’s official STA news agency quoted Italian minister Angelino Alfano as saying that “we deeply respect Spain’s constitutional unity and we hope that it will not be thrown into question, because respecting the Spanish constitution is necessary for preserving the rule of law.”

The report says Alfano, on a trip to Slovenia, also has urged dialogue, saying Europe needs unity most of all.

STA says Slovenia minister Karl Erjavec noted his country’s declaration of independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991 was made in line with then-Yugoslav law. Erjavec adds “we count on dialogue and reason.”

Slovenia was the first to leave the ex-Yugoslav federation whose breakup triggered ethnic bloodshed.


3:55 p.m.

A senior European Union official has pleaded with the Catalan leadership to step away from the brink of a divisive call for independence and resort to dialogue with Spain’s government instead.

European Council President Donald Tusk addressed Catalonia’s president directly, hours before Carles Puigdemont is expected to make an announcement on the region’s bid for secession.

Tusk said in Brussels that “I ask you to respect in your intentions the constitutional order and not to announce a decision that would make such a dialogue impossible.”

Tusk added that “diversity should not and need not lead to conflict whose consequences would obviously be bad for the Catalans, for Spain and for the whole of Europe.”

Before a meeting of the EU’s Committee of the Regions, Tusk said that “let us always look for what unites us and not for what divides us. This is what will decide the future of our continent.”


3:35 p.m.

Around two dozen tractors flying secessionist flags have paraded near Catalonia’s regional parliament before a highly anticipated session that could include a declaration of independence from Spain.

The tractors rode in a circle around Barcelona’s Arc de Triomf outside a park surrounding the Catalan parliament that has been closed to the public by a large police deployment.

A small and growing group of separatists were gathering in the promenade next to the Arc de Triomf, where the movement’s main grassroots group has called for a rally when Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont is scheduled to address the parliament at 6 p.m. (1400 GMT).

Xavier Turo, a 45-year-old electrician, traveled from the village of Sentmenat with his wife to Barcelona for what they hope will be a historic day for the prosperous northeastern region.

Turo says “we are nervous, but happy. We have been waiting a long time for this. Our government is risking their necks for us. I am sure they will declare independence.”


2:20 p.m.

Catalonia’s government spokesman Jordi Turull has declined to give away any details of what regional president Carles Puigdemont will say ahead of a highly anticipated address to parliament Tuesday.

Some expect Puigdemont to declare independence from Spain in his speech to lawmakers but he has not revealed what the message would be.

“These are very intense and passionate moments,” Turull said during a weekly briefing to reporters.

Spanish authorities have legally challenged every step of the Catalan government’s move to secede and sent in police to try to stop a highly disputed independence referendum last week. Catalan authorities say the majority of those who voted favored independence from Spain.


2 p.m.

The spokesman for the Catalan government says the regional economy is sound despite the exodus of companies moving their corporate addresses to other Spanish territories.

Dozens of companies have made the move in order to remain under Spanish and European laws if Catalonia manages to secede. The moves so far do not affect jobs or investments but don’t send a message of confidence in the secessionist-minded officials governing Catalonia.

“Those who want to create a sense of alarm are wrong,” said Jordi Turull, underscoring that foreign investment and trade figures support the regional government’s confidence in the economy.

Turull added that the regional economy is “‘much more than a few landmark companies.”

He also said: “The same way they have left, they will come back soon.”


11:40 a.m.

An official at the Catalan parliament says its governing board has “taken notice” of the results in last week’s disputed independence referendum — but that it won’t put the results through normal parliamentary procedures, at least for now.

The pro-secession Catalan government has said the results of the Oct. 1 referendum — showing a 90 percent victory for those favoring independence with a turnout of 43 percent of eligible voters — are valid.

The Spanish government says the vote was illegal.

The parliamentary official, who was speaking on condition of anonymity, said parliament’s governing board will not take any action beyond acknowledging the vote results submitted last Friday by the regional government.


11:10 a.m.

Catalans are awaiting a Tuesday evening appearance by their regional leader in parliament with expectations divided between those who want to see the birth of a new republic and others opposed to such a move or fearing a backlash from the Spanish central authorities.

“I am thrilled,” said Maria Redon, a 51-year-old office worker during Tuesday’s busy commute in central Barcelona. “I’ve been waiting for this all my life. We have fought a lot to see an independence Catalonia.”

Catalan president Carles Puigdemont hasn’t revealed the precise message he will deliver in a 6 p.m. (1600GMT) session in the region’s parliament, but separatist politicians have said they expect a declaration based on the results of the disputed Oct. 1 independence referendum.

“Impossible. He won’t do it. By doing so he would be diving into an empty pool,” said Carlos Gabriel, a 36-year-old waiter. “These people know it’s just a dream. Something very complicated. Something that will carry many negative consequences for all of us.”


10:55 a.m.

Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos says that he hopes “common sense” prevails and that Catalan separatist leaders refrain from making a declaration of independence later on Tuesday.

Catalonia’s president Carles Puigdemont is to address the regional Catalan parliament at 6 p.m. (1600GMT) in a session during which a declaration of independence could be made based on the results of a disputed Oct. 1 independence referendum opposed by Spanish central authorities.

Speaking ahead of a meeting of European economy and finance ministers in Luxembourg, de Guindos blamed Puigdemont’s “radical” and “irresponsible” government for the current standoff and said that his European counterparts have expressed support for the Spanish government position.

“This is not about independence yes or no. This is about a rebellion against the rule of law. And the rule of law is the foundation of coexistence, not only in Spain but in Europe,” de Guindos told reporters.


9:15 a.m.

Police are guarding public buildings and closing off a park surrounding the regional Catalan parliament in Barcelona where a declaration of independence on Tuesday evening is likely to be met with a harsh response from Spanish central authorities.

Catalan president Carles Puigdemont hasn’t revealed the precise message he will deliver in a 6 p.m. (1600GMT) plenary session, but separatist politicians have said they expect a declaration based on the results of the disputed Oct. 1 independence referendum.

The separatists have declared valid the pro-independence victory in the vote, which was followed by mass protests of Catalans angered by heavy-handed police tactics.

There have also been large-scale rallies by people committed to national unity.

How the declaration will be enforced and what the Spanish government’s response will be are the key questions.


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