Nov. 26 (UPI) — Thomas Middleditch, Martin Starr, Zack Woods and Amanda Crew of HBO’s Silicon Valley played a round of Four Truths and a Pie on A Little Late with Lilly Singh.

The game, on Monday, tasked Starr with deciding who was lying as the others shared personal stories about themselves.

Singh described a bad date, Middleditch said he took a trip to Australia after high school, Crew mentioned how she has laughing fits and Woods said he grew up in a town where a man was arrested for groping loaves of bread.

Starr chose Singh and threw a pie in her face. The late night host was lying, making her unable to retaliate with her own pie.

Singh led the second round where Middleditch said he was bullied at a Renaissance fair, Crew described how she got a small freckle tattoo to make a friend feel better, Starr mentioned how he had a collection of World War II knives and Woods said he was over two feet long when he was born.

Singh believed that Crew was lying, throwing a pie in the actresses’s face. Crew would get revenge with her own pie, however, as she was telling the truth.

The cast, when sitting down with Singh, received necklaces that featured a vagina in reference to how Starr had gifted his castmates rings that featured a penis.

Silicon Valley will be ending with Season 6 with the finale set to air on Dec. 8.