Rescue puppy Tumbles gets an upgraded set of wheels

ATHENS, Ohio, Nov. 20 (UPI) — A two-legged Ohio puppy named Tumbles is practicing his mobility after receiving an upgraded 3-D printed set of wheels made to fit his tiny body.

Tumbles, who became a national celebrity last week when video of his first experience with a prototype 3-D printed wheelchair went viral, is learning to walk without dragging his nose on the ground with an upgraded version of the wheels made to more snugly fit the 6-week-old puppy’s 1.5-pound frame.

“As far as he knows he’s just a normal puppy,” Tumbles’ foster mom, Karen Pilcher, told WBNS-TV. “I’ve been doing a dog rescue for 32 years I’ve never had a dog without two legs before.”

Tumbles was rescued from the cold at the age of 2-weeks old by the Friends of the Shelter Dogs charity in Athens, Ohio. His prototype wheelchair, and the upgraded version he received this week, were created by the Ohio University Innovation Center.

“This is the first functional prosthetic we’ve done using this printer,” said Joe Jollick, head of the center’s 3-D printing lab.


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