Pope Francis Warns Against Gossip, Praises Family and Humility

Pope Francis warns against gossip, praises family and humility

Dec. 21 (UPI) — Gossip causes destruction while family life and humble service strengthens relationships and brings people closer to Christ, Pope Francis told visitors on Saturday.

“An ecclesial community lives in joyful and fraternal harmony to the extent that its members walk in the way of humility, refusing to think and speak ill of one another,” Pope Francis said in his annual Christmas address to the Roman Curia.

He said gossip “damages social bonds, poisons hearts and leads nowhere” and told cardinals and Vatican officials to practice “self-accusation” instead of accusation of others.

The Pontiff also emphasized the virtue of humility while encouraging Vatican staff and workers to view their daily duties as the “hidden Nazareths” of their respective tasks.

He also stressed how important family life is and encouraged those attending his Christmas address to visit their grandparents and include them in family activities and life instead of leaving them housed in retirement homes.

The Pope said families should pray together during the Christmas holiday and teach their children to pray and remain humble.

The Vatican said Pope Francis will lead the Angelus prayer scheduled Sunday from the chapel of Casa Santa Marta instead of the traditional Apostolic Palace window due to cold symptoms during inclement weather.


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