SANIBEL, Fla., Oct. 23 (UPI) — A Florida woman filming a sunset in Florida had a “freak out” when she spotted a mysterious “planet” — but the object was likely an illusion known as a sundog.

Melissa Huffman posted a video to YouTube showing the large light in the sky near the sun as she was filming from Florida’s Sanibel causeway near sunset.

Huffman refers to the object as a “very clear planet” — showing the moon hanging elsewhere in the sky — and mentions it probably isn’t Mercury or Venus.

“Somebody tell me what it is, thank you,” Huffman says in the video.

She wrote in the description that the object may have been Nibiru, a hypothesized planet-sized object destined to collide with Earth, but researchers say there is no evidence supporting the existence of Nibiru.

Redditors suggested the object was likely an atmospheric phenomenon sundog, a reflection of the sun off ice crystals in the clouds.

Mongolia residents captured photos and video of a similar phenomenon in January when duel sundogs on either side of the sun created a triple-sun illusion.