Key dates in the life of ex-Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Key dates in the life of Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of modern Singapore and the city-state’s first and longest-serving prime minister.

— Sept. 16, 1923: Lee is born in Singapore, then a British colony.

— 1942-45: Education at Raffles College is interrupted by Japanese occupation of Singapore during World War II.

— 1946: Goes to England and studies law at Cambridge University, where he was known as Harry, a name his grandfather called him.

— 1947: Secretly marries Kwa Geok Choo, fellow student at Cambridge.

— 1950: Returns to Singapore.

— 1954: Helps form People’s Action Party, becomes party’s secretary-general.

— 1955: Wins seat in legislative assembly, starts law firm Lee & Lee with his wife.

— 1959: Lee becomes Singapore’s first prime minister after People’s Action Party wins decisively in general election. Britain grants Singapore self-governance in all matters except defense and foreign affairs.

— 1963: Lee declares Singapore’s full independence from Britain, joins with Malaya to form Federation of Malaysia.

— 1965: Singapore splits from Malaysia to become independent.

— 1968, 1976, 1980: Under Lee, ruling party wins all seats in parliamentary elections.

— 1990: After Singapore enjoys more than two decades of spectacular economic growth, Lee resigns as prime minister. He is appointed senior minister and continues to wield influence.

— 2004: Son Lee Hsein Loong becomes Singapore’s third prime minister.

— 2011: Gives up Cabinet minister post and resigns from executive committee of the People’s Action Party after it fared relatively poorly in parliamentary elections.

— Feb. 5, 2015: Hospitalized with severe pneumonia.

— March 23, 2015 – Lee dies at Singapore General Hospital.


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