Johnson planning Cabinet as he takes over as British leader

July 24 (UPI) — Boris Johnson will officially take over as British prime minister Wednesday and his first orders of business will be filling out his Cabinet.

After being confirmed by Queen Elizabeth II, Johnson will enter 10 Downing Street for the first time and deliver his first national address. He’ll also begin making appointments and receive key government briefings.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said he expects the new leader to reveal plenty of details in his first speech.

“One of the things that surprised me very positively, since joining Boris’ team about a month ago, is the grip on domestic policy … and the level of detail that he gets into,” Hancock said.

Johnson is expected to appoint Dominic Cummings to be his senior adviser. Like Johnson, Cummings supports leaving the European Union and is Conservative Leninist who’s called for fundamental government reforms. Foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt, who was the runner up in Tuesday’s Conservative Party vote, has indicated he won’t accept a demotion.

Johnson’s stated determination to leave the European Union on Oct. 31, with or without an agreement, was a key part of his campaign. But there are still many skeptics who fear leaving without a deal would be disastrous.

“At a time when increasing numbers of families have difficulties putting enough food on the table, we believe it is irresponsible to consider a course of action that is expected to make that situation worse,” a statement by the Methodists, United Reform Church, Baptists, Church of Scotland, Salvation Army, Quakers and Scottish Episcopal Church said.

“I think as it stands today Boris Johnson could be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom,” Westminster lawmaker Ian Blackford told BBC Radio.

Former leader Theresa May left Downing Street for the last time Wednesday before heading to Buckingham Palace to resign before the queen.


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