Ex-congresswoman Brown convicted in $800K charity scheme

Ex-congresswoman Brown convicted in $800K charity scheme

May 11 (UPI) — A former longtime congresswoman from Florida was convicted Thursday in a scheme that involved hundreds of thousands of dollars being from a charity fund that was supposed give educational scholarships to poor students.

A Jacksonville, Fla., jury found Corrine Brown guilty on 18 of 22 charges on Thursday that stemmed from about $800,000 in the charity, called the One Door for Education Foundation between 2012 and 2016.

Prosecutors argued at trial that Brown used money from the fund for lavish vacations, parties and shopping sprees. Meanwhile, they said, the charity gave out just one scholarship, worth $1,200, in the span of those four years.

Brown said she plans to seek a new trial.

“While I respect the jury’s decision I disagree with it and I want to make it clear that I maintain my innocence,” Brown said in a statement. “I will continue to stand on my record of decades of faithful service to this community and the nation.”

Brown was convicted on several charges, including conspiracy, mail fraud, and filing multiple false tax returns.

“Brown took an oath year after year to serve others, but instead she exploited the needs of children and deceived her constituents to advance her own personal and political agendas,” the FBI said in a statement. “Corrupt public officials undermine the integrity of our government and violate the public’s trust.”

Brown, 70, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives between 1993 and 2013, will reportedly be sentenced after 90 days.

“I have a long record of charitable service to the community and that will continue even during this process,” Brown said. “This fight is not over and as I’m sure you know I will continue to fight to clear my name and restore my reputation.”


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