Como Park Zoo announces birth of zebra foal

Como Park Zoo announces birth of zebra foal

May 26 (UPI) — The Como Park Zoo and Conservatory in Minnesota has announced the birth of a zebra foal.

Grant’s zebra Minnie gave birth to the foal with mother and baby doing well, the zoo said.

Zookeepers discovered the foal after Minnie gave birth at night. The foal, whose gender has not yet been determined, was closely shadowing its mother.

“Minnie was getting very big, we knew it was a matter of days before her baby would make its appearance. There was no complications and mother and baby appear to be doing great,” senior zookeeper Jill Erzar said in a statement.

Zebras have a gestation period that runs for 10 to 12 months. A newborn zebra’s stripes will go from brown to black within nine to 18 months.

Recently, the Louisville Zoo in Kentucky announced the birth of a healthy female foal to a 6-year-old first-time mother.


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