Feb. 11 (UPI) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday will recall hundreds of state National Guard troops from the southern border to protest what he calls “fear mongering” by President Donald Trump.

Newsom’s office said he will sign an executive order that would end the special border deployment his predecessor Gov. Jerry Brown approved last April. Newsom argues that border crossings are at their lowest point in decades.

“The border ’emergency’ is a manufactured crisis,” Newsom said in prepared remarks. “California will not be part of this political theater.”

Newsom’s order precedes the new governor’s State of the State address Tuesday.

The order will recall all but a few hundred National Guard troops, who will remain deployed to combat drug and gun smuggling, Newsom’s spokesman Nathan Click said. Another 110 will be assigned to wildfire preparation duty. Last year’s outbreak of fires killed at least 88 people and wiped out entire neighborhoods.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Jujan Grisham has also announced plans to reduce troop levels at the southern border. She and Newsom took office in January.

The Pentagon announced plans last week to send 3,750 troops to the border to install concertina wire and help Customs and Border Protection agents.

“The lawless state of our southern border is a threat to safety, security and financial well-being of all Americans,” Trump said. “We have a moral duty to create an immigration system that protects the lives and jobs of our citizens.”

In November, migrants from a Central American caravan were hit with tear gas from U.S. authorities as they approached the San Ysidro Port of Entry.

Trump has until Friday to make a deal with Democrats to fund the government or parts will shut down again. The stalemate remains over $5.7 billion to help fund the president’s border wall. The last federal stoppage lasted for 35 days.

The president is scheduled to travel to El Paso, Texas, on Monday for a campaign rally.