Biden nominates Linda Fagan to command Coast Guard

Biden nominates Linda Fagan to command Coast Guard

April 5 (UPI) — President Joe Biden has nominated Admiral Linda L. Fagan to lead the U.S. Coast Guard as its next commandant, which would make her the first woman to lead any branch of the U.S. military services.

Fagan, the first woman in American military service to achieve four stars, currently serves as second in command behind Admiral Karl Schultz, who is scheduled to retire in May.

One year ago, when Fagan was nominated as Vice Admiral, Schultz described Fagan as “an outstanding leader with 36 years of Coast Guard operations, policy-making, joint service, and interagency experience.”

On Tuesday, he confirmed her nomination on Twitter.

“Admiral Fagan is an exceptional senior Coast Guard officer and nominee, possessing the keen intellect, the depth of operational experience, and the well-honed leadership and managerial acumen to serve with distinction as our Service’s 27th Commandant,” Schultz said.

(1/4) I applaud the @DHSgov & @POTUS’ nomination of Admiral Linda Fagan as the 27th Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard!— Admiral Karl Schultz (@ComdtUSCG) April 5, 2022

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Tuesday in a statement that Fagan is “a tremendous leader, trailblazer, and respected public servant who will lead the Coast Guard across its critical missions with honor. Over Adm. Fagan’s 36 years in the Coast Guard, she has served on seven continents, was previously commander of the Coast Guard Pacific Area, and is the officer with the longest service record in the marine safety field.”

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, a master’s in Marine Affairs from the University of Washington, and a master’s in National Resource Strategy from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.

Schultz also confirmed on Twitter that Fagan has selected and Biden has nominated Vice Admiral Steve Poulin to become vice commandant of the Coast Guard.


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